Thursday, September 2

Who am I Kidding?...and FIT TIP (#101)

Autumn doesn't officially arrive
until 3 weeks from today.
But September has arrived and I'm already thinking of


I absolutely LOVE this time of year.
Here are a few of my plans...

How cute are these?

Ahhhhh, I can almost feel the leaves changing as I type!

FIT TIP (#101): Little Changes = Big Results
Little changes to your current eating style, like downsizing portions and preparing foods differently, can add up to big results.

Think about the foods you can -and can't- live without, then try to work your diet around them.

Don't give up your favorite'll inevitably feel deprived, which will only make your cravings stronger and your willpower weaker.

Happy Birthday you!


Tan+Charee+Chloe+Tru said...

i love love fall time it's my favorite time of the year and i wish it lasted for 4 months!! i love this post and your fit tip! costco's pumpkin pie has arrived!!! i just had a yummy piece guilt free. it's just one of my favorite treats and i can't deprive myself from it during fall time!! happy birth jordan, we love you!!

The Jessups said...

I LOVE the pumpkin with the drinks! I am going to remember to do that this fall! And cute witch legs! I love that it's cooling down over here, I hope it remains a little cooler.

Kim Messick said...

Those are some cute pumpkins - drink holder and witch legs!!! I love them... I love your fit tip too! I have a secret one that kind of goes along with that one - Find some NEW favorite foods - healthy style!