Tuesday, September 14

Some Things You Just Know...and FIT TIP (#103)

Um, no thanks!

Spaghetti & Cheese Ice Cream
I'm an ice cream lover...not interested in this at all.

Designer Bandages, breakfast style
**please note, free toy inside!

Thank goodness "boyfriend" is fashion savvy and would never, ever!
I LOVE a little bit of animal print **in my home & wardrobe** but this is not a good look...not at all.

No matter how convenient this may seem
or how hungry I may become...absolutely not, uh-uh no way.
Not one bit appealing.

FIT TIP (#103): Exercise on the Brain
Visual cues are a wake-up call to your brain. Workout sessions have competing priorities like work, family, chores. Sometimes we need a reminder to keep exercise at the forefront.
A few tricks of highly effective exercisers:
~~Set out exercise clothes/shoes in plain sight before you go to bed.
~~Strategically place a yoga mat, jump rope, etc. as an active reminder.


The Jessups said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth looking at the icecream and candwich. ICCK!

I totally agree about putting the clothes out at night, it forces me to run in the morning! Searching for everything and getting ready is what always takes so long!

McMemories said...

I seriously just dryheaved at the canned PB&J ewwwww.....
Love me some animal print, but not those shoes either:)

Bracken and Bracken said...

Where do you even find these things...um, gross!!

Heather said...

That's so funny that you put the sandwich in a can product...a girl showed it to us at work and all the dietitians were HORRIFIED by it! How hard is it to make a PB&J sandwhich!?!?! And to make things worse, we read an article where a guy said he'd leave the chicken one on his dashboard so he could have a HOT sandwhich for lunch! YUUUCK! Another lady said she'd leave them in the back of her car for months so she had them handy for her kids! I'm sorry moms, I know you get tired & busy but that's just WRONG!

Connie said...

Oh gosh, Heather...it got worse!!! I'm entertained and horrified all at the same time!

Kim Messick said...

That's just disgusting! Who thinks up these things?!