Tuesday, May 12

Was Henry Here?...and FIT TIP (#20)

"Sometimes explanations aren't necessary...you just choose to believe."
Love the line...love the movie.

Expectations were not high...hadn't heard of it.
**love Luke Wilson, since Legally Blonde**
Popcorn, soda, mint ice cream
accompanied us as we settled in...
totally & thoroughly entertained!

Reminded me how grateful I am...
that I was taught as a child.
Prayer & Faith are not foreign concepts.
The choice to believe
is not difficult.

P.S. Kind of made me miss life "on the border".
Every neighborhood needs an Espiranza.
Espiranza means hope.

FIT TIP (#20): Becoming Brainier
Getting your heart pumping through exercise increases blood flow, delivering more oxygen to your noggin.

It also spurs new growth in the areas of the brain that control multi-tasking, planning, and memory.
Try this: Add a bout of exercise (like running up and down the stairs) before you attempt to memorize something.


McMemories said...

we totally loved this movie too!!! It was so good. We also had no expectations so it was a pleasant surprise!! xoxo

The Jessups said...

Well I am excited to see it! We're always looking for good movies!

Connie said...

This is definitely one to add to the collection!

How was your swim? Enjoy the ballgame! Fun day!

Jerlyn said...

I will need to see this movie! It is always nice to hear of a good one out there! Thanks for your nice comments. They sure have meant the world to me!