Saturday, May 16

Mercury Rising...and FIT TIP(#21)

Doesn't matter what the calendar says.

Summer has arrived in the Valley of the Sun.
And I don't mind. Really.
Not going to wish away the hot days (4-5 months worth)
until perfect weather returns.
Going to embrace each and every hot **and hotter** one.

Things I'm really loving right now:
~navel oranges~
~house full of ceiling fans~

~Chloe's pigtails~
~frozen grapes~
~covered parking space @ office~
~anticipating a get-away~
~Elmer's tacos & horchata~
~fresh pedicure~
~garden mirrors~
I'm on a **or two** for the backyard.

Does this one remind you of anything?
Umm...DWTS trophy ball?
Still kind of a disco sort of way.

FIT TIP (#21): Key to Longevity
"If there is anything close to a fountain of youth, it is exercise" says Dr. Anne Fabiny, a geriatrician and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "Given its proven benefits and low side-effect profile, if it were a pill, everyone would be on it!"


The Jessups said...

I LOVE Chloe's pig tails!! Adorable. And yummmm...Elmer's & Horchata.

Those garden mirrors are awesome!! You could have fun with that. I bet you could even build one!

Can't wait to see ya!! Love ya!

Nichols Family said...

Doing great...thanks! And you? I too LOVE AZ weather. After living in Wisconsin for awhile I promised myself I'd never complain about the heat EVER AGAIN! Bring it on! It's better than 9 months worth of extreme winter huh?? :)