Monday, February 23

I Lost My Head...and FIT TIP (#5)

Saturday, after spending time with/on my Pilate's machine, I decided to top off my workout with an Outdoor run. The 3 motivating factors that Pushed and Pulled me out the door:

***too long since a Run outside
***these Gorgeous days in the Valley of the Sun
***my Word for 2009...Balance

Running outside was a great compliment to indoor Pilate's... the atmosphere, the pace, the movement. As I rounded the corner for home, I was feeling exhilarated...balanced.

Burst through the front door...went straight to the kitchen for water, and that's when it happened...

I lost my head! I opened the pantry, and lost my dang head!

Somehow (wink,wink) Girl Scout cookies had appeared. Thin Mints and favorites. I ate a handful...not one, or one of each, but a handful. Which leads perfectly to...

FIT TIP #4: We are what we repeatedly do. -Aristotle

The pursuit of health & fitness is a journey, not a destination. Go with the changes in your life, age, and body and continue to feed the fountain of longevity.

Forgive yourself when you get off track and return to healthy habits as quickly as you can. Remember, it only takes one workout to get back in the game. Gotta love that!

Try this: Before you eat a treat, make sure it is something you love. If it is, enjoy every bite. If it isn't, skip it. Don't waste those "sweet calories" on something unsatisfying.

BY THE WAY, I enjoyed every balanced bite!


The Jessups said...

haha, I thought you really did loose a doll head when we were talking?? Those cookies are my faves, too! And, there's nothing like running outside!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Hi CC, I became vegan about four weeks ago for ethical, environmental and health reasons, and I have never been happier! Now the cravings I had for cookies and brownies and Girl Scout cookies have all gone away and I find that I crave things that are good for me! In fact, at Sam's the other day, I just walked by those pesky Girl Scouts without even a temptation! I've lost 8 pounds in four weeks wihtout even trying and I'm having so much fun trying new recipes! Maybe soon I'll look as good as you do~! Thanks for the inspiration

Connie said...

Haha, Ken! You wish I'd loose the doll heads...they always creeped you out a bit...especially the ones with the blinking eyes!

McMemories said...

I have to agree with kendal on the doll heads, why do the bracken girls love those creepy things:)
I love your fit tips and have been drinking a ton more water since you posted that!! {but still treating myself to a diet DP:)}
It has been beautiful outside!! Are we getting together for next weeks bachelor finale???

Jamie Jo said...

Oh...I can imagine your sunny run I sit here under gray and wet skies. Waahh. I'm glad you fall victim to sweets sometimes too. I am getting better at passing up those ones I don't LOVE.

Tan+Charee+Chloe+Tru said...

SORRY! but girl scout cookies are just a little something that makes the world go round.

The Navarro's said...

I'm telling you, those cookies are dangerous! I'm so glad they come around only once a year.

Patti's and Bobbi's Excellent Adventures said...

OK, I'm caught up with you now! I love your fit tips. You make it all sound SO simple! I loose my head several times a day, so honey, a few GS cookies won't hurt. the whole box! So what's the deal with the doll heads? I have to agree with Kendall....they're a little creepy! Love your blog, Connie.

Patti's and Bobbi's Excellent Adventures said...

Oops, I meant to say "lose my head." Loose sounds like I tried to screw off my head and didn't put it back on right!