Monday, December 27

Ramping Up Resolve...and FIT TIP (#117)

Just read a timely and inspirational article. It had me at the first sentence:

If you want to eat well or save money but keep falling off the wagon, take heart; You can strengthen self-discipline, just like a muscle.

I fell in love right then and there. Food for thought while thinking about a new know, resolutions/goals. I decided to share a condensed version of the article.

Statement: "I wish I could resist splurges."
Strategy: Shop on a low-stress day. The greater the number of difficult decisions you make, the less willpower you'll have. For example, a morning spent hatching a complex plan at work, is likely to weaken your resolve when it comes to those pricey pumps.
Road Test: If you must run errands when life is nutty, use lists to simplify decision making.

Statement: "I wish I could stay on task."
Strategy: Fuel up to focus. People who eat before a self-control challenge perform better. A breakfast composed of protein and complex carbs, which break down slowly to provide several hours of energy, gives you mental stamina to say no to distractions.
Road Test: Eating a couple of eggs and whole-wheat toast helps with consistency--no fidgety fits and starts.

Statement: "I wish I could maintain a workout routine."
FIT TIP (#117) WILL **to the** POWER
Strategy: Pursuing too many acts of willpower at once makes it tougher to succeed. Better to introduce one new behavior at a time and keep it up for a couple of weeks, so it becomes ingrained, requiring less conscious effort.
Road Test: For two weeks, postpone other healthy initiatives and focus on an exercise program, which gets easier. Soon you've incorporated workouts into your schedule and it's almost a hassle to skip it.
That's not willpower; it's a habit!

Happy New Year, friends!

Words for the Week
"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." -Benjamin Franklin


The Jessups said...

Great article! Loved it all!

Bracken and Bracken said...

Such good advice ;)