Tuesday, May 25

a Dirty Secret...and FIT TIP (#87)

It's true. I have a secret.

Unlike other secrets
this one is meant to be shared.

Upon first introduction **thank you sister #2**
I was skeptical. I now believe.

The Secret: You don't have to shampoo everyday.

Please Note: I did not do the baby powder thing in high school or college, in order to skip a shampoo session. AND last year...

when "the hair nazi" tried selling sister #3 on dry shampoo, I did not buy into that either.

This is different!!!

Spray at roots to absorb excess oils, make hair smell fresh and keep it rockin' one more night. This stuff is so funktabulous! **their words, not mine**

The Lowdown: Less frequent shampooing saves hair from heat styling damage and color loss. **exactly what "the hair nazi" has been telling us!**

Rockaholic (TIGI)
Dirty Secret
Dry Shampoo

FIT TIP (#87): Ear We Go Again
At the risk of sounding like I've totally lost it...first endorsing dry shampoo, now this. You decide for yourself :)
Get your digestive system going before you even start eating by giving your earlobes a quick 30-second rub. It will stimulate the brain, relieve stress, and lower your appetite, all while sitting at the table.


The Jessups said...

Oooh! I must try it! I must try it! ...and I've never heard of the ear thing before. interesting.

Bracken and Bracken said...

I've been wanting to try a dry shampoo for a while now...this is the kick in the pants I needed to get out and try one :)

Kim Messick said...

I am soooo trying both of those tips!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And I'm trusting you that they both work! :)

Unknown said...

i love this product!! it smells good too!!

Evan and Lauren said...

I LOVE Dirty Little Secret... although mine always seems to run out too quickly...