Friday Fill-In...passed on from a friend...join in if you'd like!
(copy and paste and change my answers, in bold, to your own)
1. Birthday's are...a celebration!
2. my favorite season's the beginning of the best 8 months in the Valley of the Sun!
3. I feel my best when...I get 7 hours of snooze time!
4. Right now, a shredded beef my favorite food!
5. First impressions much fun!
6. The best advice I ever received was...look before you leap!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to...a shredded beef chimi, tomorrow my plans include...redeeming a gift card & DVR-ing conference...and Sunday, I want to...continue a tradition!
That was a fun one! I did it late last night after I had woken up from falling asleep during our movie! I cheated and changed my timestamp so that it was Friday. :) Yum, a chimi sounds good!
Lynds did it too! AND, I didn't get a chimi...teen-sitting...he owes me!
PS--I love my mantle!
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