Tuesday, May 25

a Dirty Secret...and FIT TIP (#87)

It's true. I have a secret.

Unlike other secrets
this one is meant to be shared.

Upon first introduction **thank you sister #2**
I was skeptical. I now believe.

The Secret: You don't have to shampoo everyday.

Please Note: I did not do the baby powder thing in high school or college, in order to skip a shampoo session. AND last year...

when "the hair nazi" tried selling sister #3 on dry shampoo, I did not buy into that either.

This is different!!!

Spray at roots to absorb excess oils, make hair smell fresh and keep it rockin' one more night. This stuff is so funktabulous! **their words, not mine**

The Lowdown: Less frequent shampooing saves hair from heat styling damage and color loss. **exactly what "the hair nazi" has been telling us!**

Rockaholic (TIGI)
Dirty Secret
Dry Shampoo

FIT TIP (#87): Ear We Go Again
At the risk of sounding like I've totally lost it...first endorsing dry shampoo, now this. You decide for yourself :)
Get your digestive system going before you even start eating by giving your earlobes a quick 30-second rub. It will stimulate the brain, relieve stress, and lower your appetite, all while sitting at the table.

Saturday, May 22

Cartwheels & High-fives...and FIT TIP (#86)

This guy just finished law school AND
a masters program in finance...

and all the while
his wife wore great shoes! Always.

And birthed 2 adorable beings.

Texas has the best shoes...not to mention 2 of my little peeps.

SoCal has G-tank. I need to smooch him...ASAP!

Check out the cheeks. Scrumptious.

FIT TIP (#86): Here Comes the Sun
Our bodies need sunlight to produce a very essential feel-good hormone (serotonin) which may lessen our cravings for sugar and carbs.

Try this: When you start longing for sweets, go outside instead. Also it's a good idea to keep drapes and shutters open during the day.

AND while on the subject of sun...

Please Phoenix Suns, do your thing Sunday. Pretty please.

Thursday, May 20

TGI almost F...and FIT TIP (#85)

Dear Friday,
You can't get here fast enough.
It's been one of those days...

and I need one of these!
Your faithful fan,

FIT TIP (#85): Natural Fat Burners
Foods with natural fat-burning properties, such as:
---mustard seeds
---cumin seeds
---green tea
---hot peppers
---citrus fruits **especially lemon**
---apple cider vinegar
can help take **and keep** pounds off when eaten on a regular daily basis.

Tuesday, May 18

A Little Nutty...and FIT TIP (#84)

Sometimes I feel like a nut.
That's a good thing...

Speaking of nuts...

FIT TIP (#84): Go Nuts!
Nuts contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids that can help boost longevity. They also contain anti-aging (woot, woot!) antioxidants.

Try this: Have a 1-ounce serving daily...about 24 almonds or 14 walnut halves.

Thursday, May 13

Roadtrip for R & R w/Mr. R...and FIT TIP (#83)

Left the big city for...

destination: Mineral Springs Spa
location: Small Farming Community, USA
**nestled in the foothills of these mountains**
companion: "Someone" whom I also refer to as

Mr. R

We enjoyed:

~various spa treatments
intermingled with soaks in hot tubs
filled with water from natural hot springs

~Mexican food that seriously rivals that
of "Uncle Ernie's"

~interesting people

~a new Temple
~good times, as usual

FIT TIP (#83): Vary Your Vocab
Saying that you SHOULD do something, like exercise, immediately implies that you feel the activity is a burden, according to exercise psychologists.

Try replacing SHOULD with WANT in your vocabulary. By telling yourself that you WANT to work out, you will help yourself get into the right mind-set for burning fat and calories.

P.S. Details regarding the infamous "Green Drink" forthcoming.

Thursday, May 6

Bliss Before Green...and FIT TIP (#82)

Today, at 1:00 pm
I had yet to even take a sip
of my **breakfast** green drink. But...

I had eaten 3 pieces of chocolate.

Why does chocolate
taste better than a bunch
of **good-for-you** veggies
pureed to a lovely green?

FIT TIP (#82): Chill Out
Just two to three minutes under cool water in the shower can boost your mood. The cold causes the brain to release feel-good hormones.