Friday, September 12

Friday Fill-In

A friend passed this on to me several weeks ago. I am just now (sorry!) sitting myself down to fill it in. Feel free to copy & paste with your own answers! Here I go...

1. Oh, I can't wait until I have a ...few hours to spend w/my DVR, catching up.
2. Mediterranean Soup (don't ask!) the first thing I see when I open my refrigerator.
3. I never leave home without...lipgloss!
4. If I were a condiment, I would be...dijon mustard, because...I like the color and it has just enough spice.
5. Littering/litter-bugs...really high up on my list of pet peeves.
6. The last thing I thought of before I went to bed injured pinkie (ouch!).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to...dinner and a movie, tomorrow
my plans include...running shoes, and Sunday I want!

There! Now, that wasn't so bad :) Y'all enjoy the weekend!


The Jessups said...

What a FUN post!! I am going to do it on my blog!

The Jessups said...

PS-OUCH about the pinky! And I meant to ask about the running shoes--you getting new ones?? I am in desperate need of a pair, too.

Nichols Family said...

That's fun! I can't leave w/o lipgloss either!

Patti's and Bobbi's Excellent Adventures said...

Re: your post. You have to laugh to keep from crying, Connie! That's why we write about it, because it's so much funnier now. It wasn't the least bit funny back then!