Thursday, March 10

This Very Minute...and FIT TIP (#127)

Some of the things I'm loving:

--Paul McDonald. Yup, when he sang "Maggie Mae" it sealed the deal.
I don't really approve of some of his wardrobe choices, but his cuter than cute smile, raspy voice and dorky-ish dance moves are so dang charming.

--Nature's Own Thin Sliced Bagels. My choice is the 100% whole wheat.
Only 110 calories per artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.
Talk about the perfect foundation for a guilt-free bagel sandwich!

--New Shoes. Nothing like a great pair of shoes, right?
Especially ones that make my feet feel pampered as I'm trying to burn fat and calories. Ahhhhh... comfy, new running shoes!

--March Weather. Just about perfect here in the Valley of the Sun.
Cool mornings and evenings, gorgeously warm days. Even when the wind blows or the rain falls, or the sun hides behind clouds...simply sensational.

--The Happiness Project. An inspiring book by Gretchen Rubin.
Not the kind of book that you can't put down. It is meant to be read slowly, deliberately. Read a few pages, ponder, plan, apply.

--Mr.R. Last but certainly not least. Enough said **for now** more to come!

FIT TIP (#127): Lose the Anger
Getting riled raises levels of cortisol **a stress hormone** in your body, that can cause you to gain weight.
Research suggests that the angrier you get **and the more frequently you get angry** the more likely you'll be to put on pounds around your waist.

Try this: The next time someone pushes your button, close your eyes, slowly press your thumbs into your temples and massage the frustrating moment away.

Words for the Week


Jerlyn said...

Love the quote. Your posts always make me smile.

The Jessups said...

Love a new pair of shoes! Great post! I will try the massaging my temples tonight when putting Stone to bed. That's when I need it most! :)

Bracken and Bracken said...

Those bagels sound about as delicious as that adorable man's smile :) I love his teeth!!