People who feel gratitude have better lives than those who dwell on disappointments.
**according to a survey of psychotherapists**
People with the best lives **and least regrets** not only feel grateful, but express their gratitude to those individuals to whom they are thankful.
In fact, it is impossible to feel grateful and bitter at the same moment. It is also impossible to express sincere heartfelt gratitude to another person and not feel like a good person yourself.
Four **easy & fun** CHASING TIPS coming soon.
And now...a few words on Men & **super** Skinny Jeans. Why?
Come on guys...unless you are one of these really shouldn't. Really.
I have been **patiently** waiting for this trend/fad to run it's courseand be done already. Please!
I feel **super** confident stating that my sons
**including, and probably especially, my son-in-law...not pictured**have not and will not be actively participating in this **super** Skinny Jean trend/fad.
Although, I can **possibly** picture Jordan **on the left in above picture** wearing this less Skinny version. **much better...don't you think?**And that may have something to do with a pair of Skinny Wranglers that he rocked for about 4 hours his junior year in high Texas.
Or, it may have something to do with seeing him in similar jeans recently.
Not sure.
**He sometimes reads this...maybe I'll finally get a comment from him.**
And if the Look of **super** Skinny Jeans isn't reason enough to STOP, maybe this is--
Reports the Wall Street Journal:
Doug Black has found himself in a tight squeeze more times than he cares to remember. One day, he got caught in the rain without an umbrella and was unable to run. When his colleagues sat in a circle, the 23-year-old English teacher from Portland, Ore., couldn't cross his legs. And when he tried to jaywalk, while in Beijing for work, he couldn't hop the median divider with his friends. “I had to walk half a mile down the street on my own to use the crosswalk,” he says.
This poor fellow has obviously never seen the episode of “Friends” where Ross’s skintight pants left him trapped in a bathroom because he couldn't get them back on. That can happen to you, too, buddy.
Yet, guy wearers of skinny jeans seem to remain manfans as they clearly have little issue with the emasculating styles, high price, and sacrifice for fashion over comfort. Assures Doug Black, “Discomfort comes with the territory.”
P.S. My daughter & daughters-in-law look fantastic in their Skinny Jeans!!!
hahaha!! I can totally see Jordan sportin' the less skinny ones. Tanner, probably not. Cliff, haha, ABSOLUTELY not, although he does have great tight, cowboy jeans, just not SKINNY jeans! I, however, love mine, though I haven't always! And that Friends episode is CLASSIC. Great post! I'd like to hear Jordan's feedback!
I'm grateful for your posts!!! Thank you for the always enlightening trivia and I'm loving this post about men and skinny jeans...(my son wears them and I hate them...) Maybe I can get him to read this funny post!!!
I'm pretty sure Mark would beat the crap out of your boys if they started dressing like the Jonas brothers!! hahah :)
I did wear a pair for Halloween last year. Rachel won't let me have my own, though.
Oh Jordan! I don't know what makes me the happiest...that you commented on my blog, or that your wife won't let you wear super, skinny jeans! Love you guys!
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