Saturday, July 11

What's On My Head?...and FIT TIP (#30)

**wearing daddy's hat and...
hotel's shower cap**


**stylin' bandanna...
and flowery headband**


**donning a fireman's hat...
and CC's beach hat, sideways**

I more than love and adore these three!

FIT TIP (#30): At Home Workouts:
**So handy...ignore the ringing phone and urge to switch laundry loads!
**Can target all fitness levels!
**Are great time and money savers!
**Can be performed sans makeup!
A few of my personal favorites.


The Jessups said...

haha, I love this post!! Gavin's eyes are HUGE. That shower cap cracks me up. And I love Chloe's pig tail sticking out in the back. And my boy always cracks me up. Fun three!!

Klepinger said...

Don't you love your GRANDKIDS!! Sooooo cute!!